Cannot Read Property Title of Null Mongodb

My teammate has deployed ERC 20 token to rinkeby exam network using the truffle openzeppelin code. Now I wanted to interact with that token by using ABI and the contract address of that token using web3.eth.Contract(ABIcode, contractAddress).

I copy the ABI from the folder called C:...\build\abi\SampleToken.json because from what I understand this is where the ABI of the smart contract volition be and I can just re-create this line and put it in my forepart end lawmaking.

here is my simple JS code so far

          import Web3 from "web3";  const App = {     web3: null,     account: cipher,     meta: cipher,     ABIcode:[       {         "inputs": [           {             "internalType": "string",             "name": "_name",             "blazon": "string"           },           {             "internalType": "string",             "proper noun": "_symbol",             "type": "string"           },           {             "internalType": "uint256",             "name": "_initialSupply",             "type": "uint256"           }         ],         "stateMutability": "nonpayable",         "type": "constructor"       },       {         "anonymous": fake,         "inputs": [           {             "indexed": true,             "internalType": "address",             "name": "owner",             "blazon": "address"           },           {             "indexed": true,             "internalType": "accost",             "name": "spender",             "type": "accost"           },           {             "indexed": false,             "internalType": "uint256",             "proper noun": "value",             "type": "uint256"           }         ],         "name": "Blessing",         "type": "consequence"       },       {         "anonymous": imitation,         "inputs": [           {             "indexed": truthful,             "internalType": "address",             "proper name": "from",             "type": "address"           },           {             "indexed": true,             "internalType": "address",             "name": "to",             "blazon": "address"           },           {             "indexed": false,             "internalType": "uint256",             "proper noun": "value",             "type": "uint256"           }         ],         "name": "Transfer",         "type": "result"       },       {         "inputs": [           {             "internalType": "address",             "proper noun": "possessor",             "type": "address"           },           {             "internalType": "accost",             "name": "spender",             "type": "accost"           }         ],         "proper name": "assart",         "outputs": [           {             "internalType": "uint256",             "proper name": "",             "blazon": "uint256"           }         ],         "stateMutability": "view",         "type": "function",         "constant": true       },       {         "inputs": [           {             "internalType": "accost",             "name": "spender",             "type": "address"           },           {             "internalType": "uint256",             "name": "amount",             "blazon": "uint256"           }         ],         "name": "corroborate",         "outputs": [           {             "internalType": "bool",             "name": "",             "type": "bool"           }         ],         "stateMutability": "nonpayable",         "type": "function"       },       {         "inputs": [           {             "internalType": "accost",             "name": "account",             "blazon": "accost"           }         ],         "name": "balanceOf",         "outputs": [           {             "internalType": "uint256",             "name": "",             "type": "uint256"           }         ],         "stateMutability": "view",         "type": "office",         "abiding": true       },       {         "inputs": [],         "name": "decimals",         "outputs": [           {             "internalType": "uint8",             "name": "",             "type": "uint8"           }         ],         "stateMutability": "view",         "blazon": "part",         "constant": truthful       },       {         "inputs": [           {             "internalType": "address",             "proper noun": "spender",             "type": "address"           },           {             "internalType": "uint256",             "name": "subtractedValue",             "type": "uint256"           }         ],         "name": "decreaseAllowance",         "outputs": [           {             "internalType": "bool",             "name": "",             "type": "bool"           }         ],         "stateMutability": "nonpayable",         "blazon": "function"       },       {         "inputs": [           {             "internalType": "address",             "name": "spender",             "type": "accost"           },           {             "internalType": "uint256",             "proper name": "addedValue",             "type": "uint256"           }         ],         "name": "increaseAllowance",         "outputs": [           {             "internalType": "bool",             "proper noun": "",             "type": "bool"           }         ],         "stateMutability": "nonpayable",         "type": "function"       },       {         "inputs": [],         "name": "name",         "outputs": [           {             "internalType": "string",             "name": "",             "type": "string"           }         ],         "stateMutability": "view",         "type": "function",         "abiding": true       },       {         "inputs": [],         "name": "symbol",         "outputs": [           {             "internalType": "string",             "proper name": "",             "type": "cord"           }         ],         "stateMutability": "view",         "blazon": "function",         "constant": true       },       {         "inputs": [],         "proper noun": "totalSupply",         "outputs": [           {             "internalType": "uint256",             "proper noun": "",             "type": "uint256"           }         ],         "stateMutability": "view",         "type": "part",         "constant": truthful       },       {         "inputs": [           {             "internalType": "address",             "proper name": "recipient",             "type": "address"           },           {             "internalType": "uint256",             "proper noun": "amount",             "type": "uint256"           }         ],         "proper name": "transfer",         "outputs": [           {             "internalType": "bool",             "name": "",             "blazon": "bool"           }         ],         "stateMutability": "nonpayable",         "type": "office"       },       {         "inputs": [           {             "internalType": "accost",             "proper noun": "sender",             "type": "address"           },           {             "internalType": "address",             "proper noun": "recipient",             "type": "accost"           },           {             "internalType": "uint256",             "proper noun": "amount",             "type": "uint256"           }         ],         "name": "transferFrom",         "outputs": [           {             "internalType": "bool",             "name": "",             "type": "bool"           }         ],         "stateMutability": "nonpayable",         "type": "office"       }     ],     contractAddress: '0x48aFf6290412bD01CBf86896f32cd9de76ffDba0',  offset: async function() {     const { web3 } = this;      try {       // get contract case       //const networkId = look;       /*const deployedNetwork = starNotaryArtifact.networks[networkId];       this.meta = new web3.eth.Contract(         starNotaryArtifact.abi,         deployedNetwork.accost,       );  */        this.meta = new web3.eth.Contract(ABIcode, contractAddress);       console.log(meta);        // get accounts       const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();       this.account = accounts[0];     } catch (error) {       console.mistake("Could not connect to contract or chain.");     } },   // put role call here  transferFrom: async function() {   const { transferFrom } = this.meta.methods;   const ownerWallet = document.getElementById("fromWallet").value;   const sendToWallet = document.getElementById("toWallet").value;   const tokenSend = document.getElementById("ammountToken").value;   look corroborate(ownerWallet, tokenSend).transport({from: ownerWallet})   await transferFrom(owner.ownerWallet, sendToWallet, tokenSend).send({from: ownerWallet});   App.setStatus("token has been send from "+ ownerWallet + " to " + sendToWallet+ " with " + tokenSend + " PHO."); },    };  window.App = App;  window.addEventListener("load", async office() {   if (window.ethereum) {     // use MetaMask's provider     App.web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum);     look window.ethereum.enable(); // get permission to access accounts   } else {     console.warn("No web3 detected. Falling back to http://127.0.0.ane:9545. You should remove this fallback when yous deploy alive",);     // fallback - use your fallback strategy (local node / hosted node + in-dapp id mgmt / fail)     App.web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(""),);   }    App.start(); });                  

the forepart end should only send the token to a wallet that was chosen and send to another called wallet and with the desired amount.

merely when I ran it, I received an error of this

enter image description here

I believe in that location is something incorrect with the ABI considering it says that the methods in meta are 'null'. I think I can't just re-create it and put it in the front end end code. If then, I exercise not know why. I am new to this.


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