Geometrical tolerancing and datums

Colin H. Simmons , ... Neil Phelps , in Manual of Engineering Drawing (Fifth Edition), 2020


Geometrical tolerances are used to convey in a brief and precise way consummate geometrical requirements on engineering drawings. They should always be considered for surfaces which come into contact with other parts, especially when close tolerances are practical to the features concerned.

No linguistic communication barrier exists, as the symbols used are in agreement with published recommendations of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and accept been internationally agreed. BS 8888 incorporates these symbols.

In The past, information technology was recommended that geometrical tolerances should exist practical only when real advantages issue, when normal methods of dimensioning are considered inadequate to ensure that the design office is kept, especially where repeatability must be guaranteed. It is withal true that indiscriminate employ of geometrical tolerances could increment costs in manufacture and inspection, and occasionally manufacturing areas do not fully capeesh the geometrical tolerancing principles and wrongly assume that the application of geometrical tolerances means a precision part with tight tolerances (probably as a issue of misunderstanding the employ of Theoretical Exact Dimension (TED)) and its associated tolerance. However, if geometrical tolerances are applied appropriately i.e. every bit wide as the role of the design allows then in fact price savings volition be possible.

Readers are encouraged to consider the method described in Chapter 23 of replacing general tolerances (i.e.   ±   applied either by a general notation or by individual dimension) by the apply of TED's and a few specific geometrical tolerances.

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Geometrical Tolerancing and Datums

Colin H. Simmons I.Eng, FIED , ... The Late Dennis Due east. Maguire CEng, MIMechE, Mem ASME, REng.Des, MIED , in Manual of Technology Cartoon (Fourth Edition), 2012


Geometrical tolerances are used to convey in a cursory and precise mode complete geometrical requirements on engineering drawings. They should e'er be considered for surfaces which come up into contact with other parts, peculiarly when shut tolerances are applied to the features concerned.

No language barrier exists, as the symbols used are in understanding with published recommendations of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and have been internationally agreed. BS 8888 incorporates these symbols.

Caution – It must exist emphasized that geometrical tolerances should be applied only when real advantages result, when normal methods of dimensioning are considered inadequate to ensure that the design role is kept, especially where repeatability must be guaranteed. Indiscriminate use of geometrical tolerances could increase costs in manufacture and inspection. Tolerances should be every bit wide equally possible, as the satisfactory pattern role permits.

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Paul Dark-green , in The Geometrical Tolerancing Desk-bound Reference, 2005

Geometrical tolerances are placed in a rectangular frame in diverse forms every bit shown below:

Example one. Without datum

Symbol on the drawing Estimation

Example 2. With datum

Symbol on the drawing Interpretation

Case 3. With multiple datum references

Symbol on the cartoon Interpretation

Example four. With MMR (maximum textile requirement) applicable to the tolerance

Symbol on the drawing Interpretation

Case 5. With MMR applicable to the datum reference

Symbol on the cartoon Interpretation

Example half-dozen. With MMR applicable to both the tolerance and the datum reference

Symbol on the drawing Estimation

Case 7. With MMR applicable to the tolerance and more i datum reference

Symbol on the drawing Interpretation

Example eight. When the tolerance is restricted to a length of a feature

Symbol on the drawing Interpretation

Case 9. When the tolerance is restricted to the whole characteristic and a length of the characteristic

Symbol on the drawing Estimation

Example 10. With MMR applicable to the tolerance and more than than one datum reference (the sequence of either datum is of no importance)

Symbol on the cartoon Interpretation

Example 11. When the tolerance applies to more than i feature

Symbol on the drawing Interpretation

Example 12. To specify the course of the feature inside the tolerance zone

Symbol on the drawing Interpretation

Instance thirteen. To specify a spherical tolerance zone

Symbol on the drawing Estimation

Case 14. More than one tolerance frame for one feature

Symbol on the drawing Estimation

Example 15. When the form of the feature is a line instead of a surface

Symbol on the cartoon Estimation

Example 16. A single tolerance zone applying to several dissever features (common zone)

Symbol on the drawing Interpretation

Example 17. A profile characteristic applying to the entire outline of the cross-sections

Symbol on the cartoon Interpretation

Example 18. A contour feature applying to the entire surface

Symbol on the drawing Interpretation

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Cartoon interpretation

Peter Scallan , in Process Planning, 2003

3.thirteen.2 Description and estimation of geometrical tolerances

In effect, a geometrical tolerance limits the permissible variation of class, attitude or location of a feature ( Kempster, 1984). It does so by defining a tolerance zone within which the feature must be independent. Although a full list of geometrical tolerances is provided in BS EN ISO 1101: Technical drawings. Geometrical tolerancing, a list with a brief clarification of the tolerances is given below (Hawkes and Abinett, 1981).

Straightness – limits the corporeality of 'waviness' of a surface in two dimensions between ii parallel direct lines ready a specified distance autonomously (see Fig. 3.18a).

Figure three.eighteen. (a)–(j) Examples of geometric tolerances

Flatness – limits the amount of 'bumpiness' of a surface in three dimesions between two parallel planes fix a specified distance apart (see Fig. 3.18b).

Roundness – limits the corporeality of ovality of a surface in 3 dimensions between concentric circles fix a specified distance apart (see Fig. 3.18c).

Cylindricity – limits the amount of ovality of a cylindrical cross-section and the 'bumpiness' along its length between ii concentric cylinders set a specified distance apart (see Fig. 3.18d).

Parallelism – limits the extent to which a surface is out of truthful betwixt 2 parallel planes set a specified altitude autonomously from the datum (see Fig. iii.18e).

Squareness – limits the extent to which perpendicular surfaces are out of true between two parallel planes set a specified altitude autonomously that are square to the called datum (see Fig. three.18f).

Angularity – limits the extent to which 2 surfaces at a stated bending may be out of true between ii parallel planes prepare a specified distance apart that are true to the required angle and datum (see Fig. three.18g).

Concentricity – limits the extent to which a cylinder axis can vary inside a cylinder of a specified bore whose axis is in line with the called datum axis (see Fig. three.18h).

Symmetry – limits the extent to which the symmetrical axis of 2 planes is out of truthful between two parallel planes set a specified altitude apart which are also symmetrical about the central datum axis (see Fig. iii.18i).

Position (or true position) – limits the extent to which an axis may deviate from its stated position in three dimensions to lie inside a cylinder of specified diameter whose centrality is in the true position (see Fig. 3.18j).

The best way to gain familiarity with the application and estimation of these symbols is through examples. Examples of these tolerances are given in Fig. iii.eighteen every bit indicated to a higher place in the brief descriptions.

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Fundaments for free-form surfaces

X. Jane Jiang , Paul J. Scott , in Advanced Metrology, 2020 Shape parameters

Shape parameters are associated with geometrical tolerance in that they characterize the departure from nominal form through the shapes residual surface. Again, following the spirt of standardized GPS documents, there are four unlike types of shape parameters based on the following deviations (see eastward.k., [48]):


peak-to-valley deviation: value of the largest positive local difference added to the absolute value of the largest negative local divergence,


peak-to-reference surface deviation: value of the largest positive local difference,


valley-to-reference surface divergence: value of the largest negative local departure, and


root-mean-square difference: square root of the sum of the squares of the local deviations from the least squares reference surface.

Where the reference surface is the associated free-form surface, the reference free-grade surface is the surface from which deviations from free form are referred. The divergence is negative if from the reference surface the betoken lies in the management of the material and is normal to the local reference surface. The mathematics for adding is the same as for the surface texture field parameters given in the next section.

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Maximum material and least material requirements

Colin H. Simmons , ... Neil Phelps , in Transmission of Engineering Drawing (5th Edition), 2020

Maximum material requirement applied to coaxiality

In the previous examples, the geometrical tolerance has been related to a feature at its maximum material condition, and, provided the design office permits, the tolerance has increased when the feature has been finished abroad from the maximum material condition. At present the geometrical tolerance can too be specified in relation to a datum characteristic, and Fig. 24.xiii shows a typical awarding and drawing didactics of a shoulder on a shaft. The shoulder is required to be coaxial with the shaft, which acts as the datum. Once more, provided the design function permits, further relaxation of the quoted geometrical control can be achieved by applying the maximum material requirement to the datum itself.

Fig. 24.thirteen. Maximum fabric requirement applied to coaxiality.

Various extreme combinations of size for the shoulder and shaft can ascend, and these are given in the drawings below. Note that the increase in coaxiality fault which could exist permitted in these circumstances is equal to the total amount that the office is finished away from its maximum textile condition, i.e. the shoulder tolerance plus the shaft tolerance.

Condition A (Fig. 24.xiv).

Fig. 24.14. Shoulder and shaft at maximum material requirement; shoulder at maximum permissible eccentricity to the shaft datum axis 10.

Condition B (Fig. 24.15).

Fig. 24.fifteen. Shoulder at minimum material condition and shaft at maximum material condition. Total coaxiality tolerance = specified coaxiality tolerance + limit of size tolerance of shoulder = 0.2 + 0.2 = 0.4 bore. This gives a maximum eccentricity of 0.ii.

Status C (Fig. 24.xvi).

Fig. 24.16. Shows the situation where the smallest size shoulder is associated with the datum shaft at its low limit of size. Here, the total coaxiality tolerance which may be permitted is the sum of the specified coaxiality tolerance + limit of size tolerance for the shoulder + tolerance on the shaft = 0.2 + 0.ii + 0.02 = 0.42 diameter.

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URL: discipline/commodity/pii/B9780128184820000244

Maximum Material and Least Material Principles

Colin H. Simmons I.Eng, FIED , ... The Late Dennis East. Maguire CEng, MIMechE, Mem ASME, REng.Des, MIED , in Manual of Engineering Drawing (Fourth Edition), 2012

Maximum Material Condition Applied to Coaxiality

In the previous examples, the geometrical tolerance has been related to a characteristic at its maximum material condition, and, provided the design function permits, the tolerance has increased when the characteristic has been finished away from the maximum fabric condition. At present the geometrical tolerance tin can also exist specified in relation to a datum feature, and Fig. 24.13 shows a typical application and cartoon pedagogy of a shoulder on a shaft. The shoulder is required to be coaxial with the shaft, which acts every bit the datum. Again, provided the blueprint part permits, further relaxation of the quoted geometrical command can be accomplished past applying the maximum material condition to the datum itself.

FIGURE 24.13.

Various extreme combinations of size for the shoulder and shaft can arise, and these are given in the drawings below. Note that the increase in coaxiality error which could be permitted in these circumstances is equal to the total amount that the role is finished abroad from its maximum material condition, i.e. the shoulder tolerance plus the shaft tolerance.

Status A (Fig. 24.xiv)

Figure 24.fourteen.

Shoulder and shaft at maximum material condition; shoulder at maximum permissible eccentricity to the shaft datum axis 10.

Condition B (Fig. 24.15)

FIGURE 24.15.

Shoulder at minimum material status and shaft at maximum textile condition. Full coaxiality tolerance = specified coaxiality tolerance + limit of size tolerance of shoulder = 0.two + 0.2 = 0.iv diameter. This gives a maximum eccentricity of 0.2.

Condition C (Fig. 24.sixteen)

FIGURE 24.sixteen.

Shows the state of affairs where the smallest size shoulder is associated with the datum shaft at its low limit of size. Here, the total coaxiality tolerance which may exist permitted is the sum of the specified coaxiality tolerance + limit of size tolerance for the shoulder + tolerance on the shaft = 0.2 + 0.ii + 0.02 = 0.42 diameter.

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Inspection of Geometrical Deviations (Verification)

Georg Henzold , in Geometrical Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Design, Manufacturing and Inspection (Third Edition), 2021

13.5 Simplified inspection method

The inspection of sure types of geometrical tolerances (e.g. coaxiality tolerance) is relatively costly. Frequently in such cases, in the first step a "quick" (but less precise) inspection is chosen and just in example of doubt is the more precise (and more costly) inspection executed in a second step. For example, in the cases of a coaxiality tolerance or a common straightness tolerance zone of axes, the inspection in the first step is performed as if there were a run-out tolerance of the aforementioned value. Only when this tolerance is exceeded is a more than precise method used to decide whether the coaxiality tolerance or the straightness tolerance of the centrality is exceeded.

A similar situation applies in the case of a cylindricity tolerance. In the first pace, the check of full run-out may exist executed.

A similar state of affairs likewise applies in the case of a roundness tolerance. In the first step, the check of run-out may exist executed.

Oftentimes with related geometrical tolerances, the precise verification of the Chebyshev or minimum stone requirement is very plush. Therefore approximate inspection methods are used with the aid of V-blocks, mandrels, centre bores, etc. Using V-blocks, the form departure of the datum characteristic leads to simulation of a larger related geometrical deviation than actually exists (according to the definition). Depending on the shape of the form deviation and the bending of the V-block, the increase can be equal to or less than the form deviation of the datum feature (see xiii.7.4.iii).

A similar consideration applies with the use of centre bores. There the eccentricity of the centre diameter relative to the datum feature increases the result of the measurement of the related geometrical deviation.

Mandrels for inspection purposes are commonly rated in diameter in units of 0,01   mm. The largest mandrel that fits into the hole is to be used. In cylindrical holes, the mandrel can exist inclined by 0.01   mm at almost (Fig. 13.ix), and thereby tin can give an incorrect measuring effect. In very rare cases of very detrimental grade deviations, larger inclinations may occur (Fig. 13.10).

Fig. 13.9

Fig. 13.9. Mandrel, possible inclination

Fig. 13.10

Fig. 13.ten. Mandrel, possible deviation from the minimum rock requirement

Pneumatic mandrels are self-centring, equally are expanding mandrels and conical mandrels.

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Life Bike Tribology

M. Iwamoto , K. Tanaka , in Tribology and Interface Engineering Serial, 2005


In the pattern of bearings, the commanded geometrical tolerance of manufacturing fault is given for dimensions of the bearing in order to have the required performance, because characteristics of bearing are affected past configuration of bearing. The manufacturing mistake of bearing is restricted by the allowable geometrical tolerance which depends on specification of the car. More often than not, the allowable geometrical tolerance of the manufacturing error has been decided by manufacturing technology level in the industrial standards. However, in spite of development of manufacturing technology level during a few decades, the allowable geometrical tolerance of manufacturing error of the begetting haven't been inverse in JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards). Therefore, the revision of the commanded geometrical tolerance of Manufacturing error of the begetting in JIS is required, because manufacturing applied science level and the specification of the machine.

The author accept studied the influence of manufacturing mistake for characteristics of multi-lobe bearing and evaluated the optimum allowable values of manufacturing fault of multi-lobe bearing [1].

In this study, the minimum oil film thickness, coefficient of friction and non-dimensional stability threshold speed of cylindrical journal begetting with manufacturing error of bearing radius and roundness are analyzed and the allowable geometrical tolerance of manufacturing error in cylindrical journal bearing is evaluated.

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URL: discipline/article/pii/S0167892205800768

Application of geometrical tolerances

Colin H Simmons I.Eng, FIED, Mem ASME. Engineering Standards Consultant , ... Neil Phelps IEng MIED, MIET Practicing mechanical pattern engineer , in Manual of Engineering science Drawing (Third Edition), 2009

Publisher Summary

This affiliate focuses on the application of various geometrical tolerances to each of the characteristics of engineering drawings. A straight line is the shortest distance betwixt two points and a straightness tolerance controls the straightness of a line on a surface, the straightness of a line in a unmarried plane, and the straightness of an axis. Flatness tolerances control the difference or departure of a surface from a truthful plane and it can exist used independently of any size tolerance. The tolerance of circularity controls the divergence of the feature, and the annular space between the two coplanar concentric circles defines the tolerance zone, where the magnitude is the algebraic difference of the radii of the circles. The combination of parallelism, circularity and straightness defines cylindricity when applied to the surface of a cylinder, and is controlled by a tolerance of cylindricity. The tolerance zone in this case is the annular space betwixt two coaxial cylinders, where the radial difference is the tolerance value that has to be specified. Profile tolerance of a line is used to command the platonic profile of a feature, which is defined past theoretically verbal boxed dimensions and accompanied by a relative tolerance. This tolerance zone, unless otherwise stated, is taken to be equally disposed virtually the truthful form, and the tolerance value is equal to the bore of circles whose centers lie on the true class.

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